About Us

Tripplesite is one of the best Website Design firm in the world. We craft custom websites for brands and businesses that put business’s image on the Internet marketplace. Our expertise in website design, enables your business to succeed on the Web.? With years of experience in web design and digital marketing, we know what it takes to create an effective digital strategy, user-friendly web design, and online marketing to help you stand out from the crowd.

Sam Okai is the Founder of Tripplesite. He is an experienced Designer in Web and Content Aggregation.

Work Profile: Tripplesite, Tugamedia & Tripplehost

Responsibilities of the job include:

1. Creating web site designs for clients.
2. Development of Android Apps, especially online Radio Streaming App for Resurrection Radio2
3. meeting with clients to discuss requirements and/or project progress
4. demonstrating and receiving feedback about draft sites
5. keeping up-to-date with recent technological and software developments
6. producing products that are user-friendly, effective and appealing

  • Systems Administrator

    1. Design & Managing Content Data.
    2. Data Mining for Reporting Purposes.

    Company Name: Fightaids Ghana

    Dates Employed Aug 2009 – Nov 2011

    Employment Duration 2 yrs 4 mos

    Operations and Support

    1. Perform daily system monitoring, verifying the integrity and availability of all hardware, server resources, systems and key processes, reviewing system and application logs, and verifying completion of scheduled jobs such as backups.

    2. Perform regular security monitoring to identify any possible intrusions of the Company Website.

    3. Perform daily backup operations, ensuring all required file systems and system data are successfully backed up to the appropriate media, recovery tapes or disks are created, and media is recycled and sent off site as necessary. Perform regular file archival and purge as necessary.

    4. Create, change, and design all user data of club members into the company’s database.

    5. Provide, Investigate and troubleshoot issues related to the server on the hosting platform.

    6. Repair and recover from hardware or software failures, both managed and un-managed.

    7. Perform periodic performance reporting to support management planning.

    8. Maintain data center environmental and monitoring equipment to ensure smooth liaising with donor partners.

  • Service Personnel

    Company Name: Faculty of Social Studies (Deans Office)-University of Ghana

    Dates Employed@ Sep 2008 – Aug 2009

    Employment Duration 1 yr

    Location Faculty of Social Studies.University of Ghana

    1. Working as service support personnel in the Deans Office of the Faculty of Social Studies.
    2. Data capture of student data into the Faculty Registration Systems.
    3.Managing the smooth running of all computer systems and servers in the ICT Lab.Center.

  • Systems Support

    Company Name: Toni Eastmaan Consultancy

    Dates Employed Jan 2005 – Jun 2008

    Employment Duration 3 yrs 6 mos

    Functions at the office

    1. Configuration of office computer systems, troubleshooting and installation of damage programs.
    2. Capturing of data of Bill of Quantities and Contract Documents in Excel for contract purposes
    3.Liaising with contract partners to ensures smooth award of contract documents and interim payment certificate preparation, through calculations and manipulation in Excel.